
Staff Spotlight – Alex Hodges

Alex was Whitney Consulting’s first hired employee back in 2018 and she is still with us today 😃 She has performed pretty much every role within the business (while juggling three little kids and being a very impressive netballer). Over the past 18 months or so, Alex has found her niche at Whitney Consulting – she is a wonderful grants workshop presenter! So she has taken over the bulk of delivering our grant workshops across WA and when she isn’t travelling, she runs our grants database to find grants for people.

Alex has the patience of a saint – politely smiling and catching whatever Tara throws at her when Tara just can’t juggle it anymore (no matter how rushed or vague Tara’s instructions are!). We are so lucky to have her ❤

What does a typical work day look like for you?

First thing is coffee.

Then usually getting the kids ready for school, making lunches etc and getting my older 2 to the bus stop and my younger one to daycare if it is a daycare day.

Then I head into my study and get to work (I will probably grab another coffee before I do though). My day is never the same in this job (which I love), I usually don’t know what I am going to get until I sit down and open my email. I could be contacting clients, running grant searches for organisations or running workshops. The Grant Essentials workshops has been a really popular service so far this year and have been keeping me busy. Unfortunately I can’t wear my ugg boots on those days which is a shame, but I enjoy talking to everyone about their projects and helping them on their grant funding journey.

What are the pros & cons of remote working?

Pros – Wearing my Ugg boots to work for sure. Also that it takes me the time to walk into the next room to get to work most days. I do make up for that with travelling when I am delivering workshops but it is nice to have the best of both worlds. Cons- there aren’t too many in my opinion but I do miss working in an office with people sometimes and having someone to chat to and run ideas off. But we make that work in a remote setting. I love working remotely, wouldn’t change it.

Do you have any skills or talents not many people know about?

I suppose a skill I was surprised I had was Public Speaking. I really dislike being the centre of attention and do not like talking to large crowds of people in the slightest but in this job I found that I can do public speaking and actually do it as part of my job, I never thought I would have ended up doing that, and I enjoy it. Go figure.

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

The ability to understand our clients. A large proportion of Whitney Consulting clients that I deal with, especially when delivering the Grant Workshops that have been very popular this year, are from small businesses or not for profits, many of those are from regional areas. Running a small business with my husband and also being involved in numerous community organisations in the small regional town where I live in helps me to relate to our clients as I understand the issues they face within their organisations. This understanding helps me to assist them better with grants and funding and the ability to explain the process in a way it can be more easily understood and relates to how their organisation is run.

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

My youngest goes to school next year. So all 3 of my kids will be at school after 9 years of day care and having kids at home. My goal this year is to enjoy the time I have left at home with my youngest because then a new chapter of my life will start. I know I will miss this stage of my life, even though parts of it were challenging especially if you know my youngest child, I am sure the next stage will bring a new set of challenges and opportunities. But I will deal with that when I get there. For now, I will enjoy this last year of having a kid at home with me.

What is your favourite part of working for Whitney Consulting?

Hands down it would be the flexible nature of the job and the ability to work while still being there for my family. At Whitney Consulting the job works around my families needs which takes so much pressure and stress off as a working mum. I can easily get to my kids assembly or sports carnival if needed and finish my work around that. You don’t get many jobs that allow you to do that. The amazing women that I work with are definitely a side benefit too.

When it comes to grants – what gets you most excited?

Seeing the passion people have for their organisations and their projects!!

Favourite project you have worked on so far with Whitney Consulting?

Tough one – I don’t think I could name one. I have worked with many great people and seen some fantastic projects in my time at Whitney Consulting. I do have a soft spot for the projects around Pingelly because it has helped make our town what it is and built some fantastic facilities which my family and I use and love.

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Tara Whitney, Whitney Consulting

About Tara Whitney

Director and founder of Whitney Consulting. I know how to leverage my extensive experience in writing and assessing funding applications to provide clients with a unique and leading edge throughout their funding journey. My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to secure the financial support necessary to achieve your dreams and aspirations.


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