
Avoid Common Grant Writing Mistakes

Ever wonder why that grant you applied for ended up on the funding assessor’s reject pile?
You followed all the instructions, you spent hours creating a proposal, a budget, a project plan, you filled out that application form to the letter, even submitted it before the deadline.

So why wasn’t it successful? Here are some possible reasons:

I focused the application on my organisation’s needs instead of the funding bodies’ needs.

When you’re applying for funding, you’re not applying to boost your business, or to give your community the infrastructure/services they need – you’re applying for funding to deliver something that meets the needs of the funding body. The funding body has identified a gap
or some outcome they want to achieve and that is what you need to focus on.

For example, a business can’t ask for funding for a new piece of equipment because theirs has broken down. However, if there is a grant program that has a focus on job creation and economic development, then they can ask for funding that covers the new equipment if that equipment will enable the business to create a new product, access a new market and by doing so they will need to hire more staff and bring revenue into the local economy.

I assumed the assessor would know everything about my organisation, so I didn’t brag.

The assessor does not know you – even if they have actually heard of you, they still do not know the specific details of your past experience, qualifications etc and they cannot score you based on what they may remember of you – they can only score you for what you write
in your application. Sell yourself. Now is NOT the time to be modest – you need to brag like you’ve never bragged before!

You need to tell them why you are the best person to do this project. Show off that edge that you have over your competitors, the one that will make funding your project a roaring success for the funding body (or the Minister) to gloat over in the press.

I wrote what I thought they wanted to hear.

Here’s a radical thought – maybe they asked the questions that they wanted to hear the answers to! So all you really needed to do was answer the questions they asked in clear, concise sentences that address each key point and provide evidence to back up your response. Assessors score your application against the criteria set out in the guidelines and application form. If you don’t address those criteria, your application is likely to end up as a virtual basketball to dunk in the bin. Read the guidelines, read the application form, tick off the key points in the question as you answer them, make sure you have everything they ask for in terms of supporting documents.

One last tip for you… if you need grant funding but can’t afford to pay a grant writer, why not try our GIY Grant It Yourself program? Our GIY course was designed especially for you – for sporting clubs, not-for-profits, small businesses, and community organisations who need grant funding to do their amazing work but don’t have thousands of dollars to pay someone to write their grant. The program is step-by-step help to take way the overwhelm and uncertainty of where to start and how to write a quality grant application.

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Tara Whitney, Whitney Consulting

About Tara Whitney

Director and founder of Whitney Consulting. I know how to leverage my extensive experience in writing and assessing funding applications to provide clients with a unique and leading edge throughout their funding journey. My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to secure the financial support necessary to achieve your dreams and aspirations.


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