
Staff Spotlight – Jennifer Murray

Jen Murray is exceptional! Based on a Wheatbelt farm with her farmer husband and three young boys, Jen is what Whitney Consulting is all about – doing work and life together. Jen has an agribusiness and marketing degree, hands-on agriculture industry knowledge and the time management skills of a mum with three kids. But using her skills would be almost impossible in a traditional office job – with daycare closures, harvest pressures and sick kids – so Whitney Consulting (with our remote, flexible work style) snapped her up in 2021! Jen uses her skills to support us at Whitney Consulting and she is fully aware that she is Tara’s go-to for agriculture projects!

What does a typical work day look like for you?

I only work a few days a week as I have three kiddos who are 6, 4 and 3. My day involves dropping the boys off at the school bus and then to daycare. I get home and generally try to get as much done in the hours the kids are away because as we all know GOOD LUCK getting anything done when they are around. I am literally the most sought after person in the world AS SOON AS I sit down at my computer. The day before my day care days I try to get a handle on the project so I can use up a bulk of my day writing. My secret super power is being able to ignore everything in the house (washing, dishes, lego all over the floor) so I can work. I try and pretend like I am at an office and everything just has to wait until I get home.

What are the pros & cons of remote working?

Not working with people is a con. I imagine a Whitney Consulting office would be an amazing place to spend my day. I sometimes wish I had the ability to ask little questions and bounce ideas around with colleagues. These sorts of things just don’t translate over email. However, not working with people could also be a pro. It has been a while since I worked in an office and I can see myself getting quite distracted!

Do you have any skills or talents not many people know about?

I am an Authorised Marriage Celebrant. I spent time cooking at a chalet in the French Alps. I love gardening but am really not very good at it, I like to blame the climate but I think its me. I can make the most perfect gin gimlet in all the world (sample size of 1).

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?
Willingness to learn new skills. I have a background in writing. Not sure what else!

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

Make more homemade curry paste. Be more effective at managing time to allow me to review the application properly before submitting.

What is your favourite part of working for Whitney Consulting?
I like the variety of each of the projects. They come from businesses from all over WA from the Kimberley to the Great Southern. Each project is unique and interesting and I love getting to know each business and what they are trying to achieve. No two are the same and it makes the writing and researching for them very interesting. I have honestly never sat in front of my computer and been bored by what I am doing.

When it comes to grants – what gets you most excited?

I love love love any projects that are specific to the country areas, most especially the Wheatbelt. I grew up in the Eastern Wheatbelt and now live in Beverley and I love seeing projects that benefit the people and businesses in the area. I have also really enjoyed the agricultural based grants that I have done. I have a degree in agribusiness and marketing and live on a farm now so feel quite passionate about the industry. I also have a very handy farmer-husband who is great about me quizzing him on things relating to industry.

Favourite project you have worked on so far with Whitney Consulting?

I have really enjoyed both the Carbon Farming and Land Restoration Program EOIs I worked on in 2021 and 2022. I also enjoyed the Shire of Bruce Rock project involving a supermarket. It is a project which will make a huge difference to the people who live there. I learnt a lot from the Newman Funeral Services tender – an industry which is so important to society but something which I had previously known nothing about.

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Tara Whitney, Whitney Consulting

About Tara Whitney

Director and founder of Whitney Consulting. I know how to leverage my extensive experience in writing and assessing funding applications to provide clients with a unique and leading edge throughout their funding journey. My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to secure the financial support necessary to achieve your dreams and aspirations.


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