
Staff Spotlight – Amber Webster

Amber Webster - Whitney Consulting

There is a story I often tell about Amber that I think captures her personality perfectly. We were in high school in Year 12 and I was awarded Colours in netball at an assembly. Amber was beside herself excited and actually said the words, “MY friend got Colours!”. Not long before this Amber had won Gold at the Junior World Rowing Championships – literally the best rower of her age in the WORLD and I wasn’t even the best netballer at our school – but she was genuinely excited for me. Because she is so humble, despite being brilliant (Dual Olympian!) and so loyal and so supportive. Not to mention she’s a qualified journalist and great at writing. We love having Amber on our team!

What does a typical work day look like for you?

My typical work day starts at about 6.30am. I spend the next 2 hours encouraging the kids to get ready for school, whilst also making dinner, doing loads of washing etc. At 8.30am, I walk the kids over the road to school then walk home, put the kettle on and get stuck in to work. I work hard from 9am-2.55pm, at which time I turn the computer off for a short time while I walk back over to pick the kids up. I feed them, ask them about their day, and spend a little bit of quality time with them before getting back into work for a couple more hours.

What are the pros & cons of remote working?

I love working from home, as I don’t waste any time commuting. It is also good in winter because I enjoy wearing my purple Whitney Consulting ugg boots!

Do you have any skills or talents not many people know about?

I know all the words to Billy Joel’s “We didn’t Start the Fire”.

What do you think are the best skills that you bring to your job?

I’m pretty organised. Although maybe not quite as organised as Tara!

What’s a goal you have for yourself that you want to accomplish in the next year?

Just to keep working on life balance. It’s a little heavy on the parenthood and work front at the moment, with not much time for myself. But I also understand that it’s just the phase of life with young kids – and I do love it all!

What is your favourite part of working for Whitney Consulting?

Working for a boss who is so understanding and patient, and a business that is thriving! I love learning about new industries and businesses too, and helping some awesome projects to get off the ground.

When it comes to grants – what gets you most excited?

When they win!!

Favourite project you have worked on so far with Whitney Consulting?

I’ve liked them all to varying degrees. I was pretty thrilled with the Wide Open Agriculture Grant which won $5 million in funding!

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Tara Whitney, Whitney Consulting

About Tara Whitney

Director and founder of Whitney Consulting. I know how to leverage my extensive experience in writing and assessing funding applications to provide clients with a unique and leading edge throughout their funding journey. My mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to secure the financial support necessary to achieve your dreams and aspirations.


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