Grant funding jargon – leveraged funding

Grant funding jargon – leveraged funding

There are a few jargon words that pop up in the grants world a lot and one of these is What is it? Leveraged funding means that the grant funding is ‘leveraging’ other funding – so because the grant money is provided, other organisations also put in money to the...
Common Issues with Tenders

Common Issues with Tenders

Writing tenders is a necessary evil for many businesses and organisations. You need to do it to get the work but it probably isn’t something you have been trained to do. This is why tender writing companies such as ours see some common issues coming through in the...
Top Grant Writing Tips

Top Grant Writing Tips

Funding is becoming increasingly difficult to get with more competition and less money available. So I have put together my Top 5 Grant Writing Tips to ensure you write a standout application that gets you the grant! Demonstrate the need for your project! If the grant...
Grant Writing Myths Debunked

Grant Writing Myths Debunked

As a grant writer there are some myths about grant writing that I hear time and again. In today’s blog I hope to clear up the top 5 myths I encounter most, in the hope it helps your organisation on its grant journey. Some people think that because an organisation they...
What is a Business Case?

What is a Business Case?

Have you heard the term business case and wondered what it is – perhaps whether it is the same as a business plan? Well, nope, it is completely different! Every organisation should have a business plan but not everyone needs a business case.   A business plan sets out...